Source Control and Versioning for ArcGIS

GaiaBuilder integrates Git-based source control into your ArcGIS projects, enabling change tracking, version management, and collaboration. Compatible with CI/CD tools like Azure DevOps and Jenkins, GaiaBuilder helps you streamline your GIS workflows, improve traceability, and simplify project delivery.


Eliminate the need for manual backups and error-prone ad-hoc versioning methods — GaiaBuilder provides a seamless, efficient solution.

GIT Friendly

JSON as default format. Easy to use with GIT or other SCM

Fully Automated

Integrate GaiaBuilder with Azure DevOps or Jenkins and sit back while your commit is deployed

Consistent Quality

Build automation will keep your DTAP consistent: what you see in Acceptance is what you get in production

Webmaps, Webapps and Dashboards

Save your webmaps, webapps and dashboards in GIT. GaiaBuilder will bring your content to production and update the urls in your DTAP and maintain links and dependencies between all the items

MapServices and FeatureServices

Author your maps in ArcGIS Pro, export the map to JSON or import the map from JSON. The ArcGIS Pro Addin optimizes your maps for GIT

ArcPy Geoprocessing Services

Code first! Write your GeoProcessing Service in your favorite editor and let GaiaBuilder turn it into a GeoProcessing Service.

Developed for build automation

GaiaBuilder is developed for build automation. Integrate GaiaBuilder into your Jenkins or Azure Devops pipelines and they will run, integrate and deploy commit after commit. Create a Windows Build Server with Jenkins and ArcGIS Pro installed or install a Devops Agent on your ArcGIS Server. GaiaBuilder will fit in with your CI/CD platform.

Flexible JSON configuration
The JSON Configuration structure makes it possible to configure global DTAP settings which apply to all the servers or to make very specific adjustments to optimize your services for production, share with specific groups or mark the content as authoritative.
Item registry

Keeping track of the itemID’s in your DTAP is at the core of GaiaBuilder. Using the ItemRegistry, GaiaBuilder knows when to update an existing item, thereby keeping existing URL’s.

When deploying a Webmap or Webapp, GaiaBuilder utilizes the registry to update the referenced itemIDs. This ensures that your Webapp consistently uses the intended Webmap and that the Webmap maintains the correct associations with services even after deployment.

SDE Key Vault
GaiaBuilder removes the Enterprise Geodatabase credentials when exporting the map to JSON and restores these credentials when importing a map from JSON. When a map is imported or when a map is deployed as a Mapservice, all Enterprise Geodatabase Connections from the ArcGIS Enterprise are loaded and matched with the map. This way, the ArcGIS Enterprise Datastore Configuraton is used as a central Credential Store.

Contact Us

Contact me to learn how I can help streamline operations
Anthony Grescavage, Principal Consultant